For the privilege of conducting business in California, LLCs are charged Franchise Taxes
Every LLC is subject to an annual Tax of $800
If the income of your LLC is below $250,000 it is not charged an LLC fee, and the total Franchise Tax is $800
If the income of your LLC is between $250,000 to $499,999 you are charged an LLC Fee of $900, plus the $800 Tax
If the income of your LLC is between $500,000 and $999,999 you are charged an LLC Fee of $2,500, plus the $800 Tax
If the income of your LLC is between $1,000,000 and $4,999,999 you are charged an LLC Fee of $6,000, plus the $800 Tax
If the income of your LLC is $5,000,000 and above, the Fee is $11,790 plus the $800 Tax